Organization of cyber security
Our team is proud of our many years of experience in organizing and hosting large-scale cybersecurity competitions. We gather the best specialists from all over the world to demonstrate and develop their skills, share knowledge and experience.
What we can do
In the world of cybersecurity, competitions play a key role in learning, development and talent acquisition. We at DERED pride ourselves on our ability to organize events, training and collaborations in this dynamic field. Our competitions are not just limited to CTFs; we design and implement sophisticated infrastructures and laboratory environments to comprehensively test and develop the skills of professionals.

Each of our competitions is designed to accommodate the diversity of participants and their skills. We create individual and team challenges that allow professionals of all levels to participate and measure their abilities. Our lab environments reflect real-world threat and attack scenarios, providing participants with the hands-on experience and knowledge needed to combat today's cyber threats.
Main areas of development
Formats of most interest
Training of developers
Exploitation of vulnerabilities in practice gives developers an understanding of how to write code securely, which reduces the cost of Security testing.
Implementing real attack vectors in a near-real lab environment. Helps security teams sharpen their skills.
Training of Blue Team
A classic format for cybersecurity competitions involving different areas of knowledge in this field.
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